Diamond Islands – iTunes Game Review

Diamond Islands – iTunes Game Review

September 21, 2014 0 By phoenixgenesis®

Diamond Islands is a puzzle game by Digital Chocolate, Inc. Yes, I know it’s an old game which hasn’t been updated, but it’s still one of my favorites and a classic in the app store. Digitial Chocolate should do a free app a day for this one so that it can get the exposure it needs. And it could use a retina display update and some Game Center achievements.

But, aside from that, the game is worth every penny of the $1.99 asking price. First, the music and animations are perfect. i like how the islanders dance around happily when I solve the level. Oh, did I mention that there are 100 levels in this game? And not short levels like “Cover Orange” (another wonderful game, btw), but nice long, time consuming, brain straining levels. If you liked playing with your Rubik’s Cube, then this game is for you. The controls work flawlessly. I can zoom around the level which is a nice feature. And, most importantly, the game has never crashed on me, not even once. I had to restore my iTouch twice now because of the new operating systems and each time, I played through the game again and had no problems regardless of the iOS version. The first time, I finished 50 levels, the second time, 80. This time, I plan to complete all 100 levels. And the second time through, I found the game just as fun as the first time. A must buy game for your puzzling arsenal.

Des Manttari, Editor-in-Chief, Phoenix Genesis

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