A Simple On-The-Go Softbox (Photography Tips & Tricks)

A Simple On-The-Go Softbox (Photography Tips & Tricks)

July 4, 2014 0 By phoenixgenesis®

You really don’t need to carry around much these days to take great pictures. This is the digital age where most people have their smart camera phones at their beck and call. Also, you do not need to wait for the perfect lighting scenario either. You can create great lighting on the fly with this simple photography trick.

Being summer, most people where a hat to cover their face. Well, use your hat to your advantage as a quick and handy on-the-go softbox. In the photographic example, I used my baseball hat to cover these yellow and purple flowers that caught my eye after Steve and I finished running the Palos Verdes Half Marathon. Well, I actually only did the 5K, Steve did the full 13.1 miles. Anyway, it was mid-day and the light was harsh. I mean F16 at a key day in noon with no clouds in Washington, DC harsh, glaring, and unforgiving.

I whipped out my pocket Canon digital camera, threw my baseball hat over the flowers, and presto, nice soft even lighting. I used no other special effects or post-processing on this image. So, grab your camera and your favorite hat and go shoot some flowers or other small outdoor objects. To view more of my photography, you can jump to my Instagram or Flickr photo galleries online.

– Des Manttari, Editor-in-Chief, Phoenix Genesis

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